I'm Still Here...

I suppose it's time for a new post! I haven't a whole lot to say...I am just going nuts waiting for my next cycle! It consumes my every thought. It's coming right up though. Our next transfer will be mid January (don't have the specific dates yet, waiting for AF to arrive before the first visit).

I got insurance that, unfortunately, does NOT cover infertility treatments but does cover every aspect once I am pregnant. Honestly, I've already dropped so much money into this cycle that another $2500 for the next FET is no big deal. I am just happy the insurance will cover everything else!

The 30 Best Someecards for Infertility + IVF

I know exactly what I want this time around and have created a wish list of how things are going to go with this next transfer/pregnancy. I love making lists. :D

I had been wrestling with the question of whether or not to keep my friends updated this time around. It was really hard last time telling them I miscarried and also the 20 questions from everybody that knew we are doing IVF got exhausting, mainly near the end when we weren't sure if I was going to miscarry or not. :/

The hubby and I finally decided that we are just going to keep the family in the loop for now and will tell everybody else a few months into the next pregnancy. This means I'm going to have to tell white lies to those who are asking me when we are going to start the next cycle...but, if it means being less stressed out, it'll be worth it and I'm sure they will understand! I will definitely be updating my blog throughout this next round. I don't think many, if any really follow this blog all that closely, but in case there are any friends I know in real life reading this who I have not told we are starting again in January, please don't spread the word just yet and don't be offended  :)  I love you!

- Sausha


  1. i agree with doing whatever stresses you out the least. that might be my plan for our next cycle too. i already tapered down with our last cycle and telling people... it was too much pressure! you appreciate the concern, but sometimes its overwhelming.


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