Doctor Visits

Today we both had visits to the doc! Me for an ultrasound and blood work, and my love for a follow up to make sure things are healing nicely. 

Doc said my lining looks good but we won't know the next step for sure until the blood results come in. If my estrogen is high, I will have to go on birth control pills for a while before starting on the estrogen pills, which would push the transfer date out about a week. If my levels are low, then I can start immediately on the regimen and we can do the transfer around the 3rd week of August. Fingers crossed for low levels!

My husband's visit was successful, just a quick look and a green light for resuming his normal activities! 

We decided to do the genetic testing of the embryos that my doctor offers. They take a cell from each embryo and test them for diseases, they can also tell you whether they are female or male. So we should have those results any day now! So very exciting. 

Oh! And we discovered that they froze a total of 13 embryos. Whoohoo!

- Sausha


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